It all started with my own brand & passion.
As a photographer & creative, I worked hard to build a brand that made me proud.

My own personal brand building journey led me to multiple marketing jobs in corporate settings where I really got to refine my skills and develop my passion. I've had over 8 years of marketing & brand building experience and I look forward to exploring how I can help your brand grow.

I've always had this dream of leading a group of mothers and women to develop skills that make them more marketable in the working world and give them space to build & learn

As a mom owned business, my passion is to create a space where women work together in an empowering environment. Some of our core principles at Lumiere Noire involve giving our team the space to build their own brands and learn new skills.

Aside from all the amazing client work we get to do every week, we spend five to ten hours weekly developing our own passions and using personal projects as a playground for learning and growing new skill sets. We have experience building brands because we're working to build our own, and this gives us a powerful edge when it comes to the services we provide. From systems & software to studying up and coming marketing trends - we grow to become our very best and pursue our own passions. 

The Primer

Pulling at the thread of creative inspiration when it strikes is important to me. I want to see it through and believe that I was created to operate this way. I firmly believe that seasons of creative inspiration are meant to build seasons where it seems to be lacking. Follow that creativity and see where it might lead you!

What I'm 


I am absolutely loving building a team of professionals who are passionate about serving each other as well as our clients. We're growing fast and I can't wait to keep the momentum going!

What I'm 


I'm currently enveloped in all the SEO training I can get my hands on. It's not just enough to have a pretty place for your audience to land, making sure your website is SEO optimized is important too.

What I'm 


I'm leaving behind the fear of taking risks. Creative risk is all about embracing inspiration, exploring new methods, and pushing the boundaries of what you previously thought was possible.

what I


I believe we were all created to create. Whether that's a clean load of laundry, or a piece of pottery... creating is what makes us one of a kind.

Let's work together

Whether you need social media management, or full-scale marketing - LN is the place for you. Schedule a call with Amelia to discover how Lumière Noire can help you build your brand and get time back with the ones you love.

Splendeur Magazine
Fit Moms Academy
Your Neighbor Realtor
Sarah Zobrist | Fine Artist
Julie Morr | Musician

follow @studiolumierenoire

if you're looking for peace-filled and encouraging content that combines genuine life with wellness and branding inspo.